Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 16th

It's a brisk, cool, weather day today!

Today I am all about the classroom.

7th and 8th grade students are working in small groups (2 or 3 students) to display the knowledge of a content standard.  What I have done, is put a list of the Standards on the white board, that were on the last test we finished (Chapter 7 Preventing Violence).  However, the students have no idea what they are, they just see the numbers of the standards like... 2.12.3.

Each group then selects a standard number (kind of like making a selection out of a hat, or a random drawing)  I give them the standard and they have to write it down.  Like the previously mentioned 2.12.3 which is "analyze how peers influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors".

They then, as a group, decide how to "Demonstrate their knowledge of the standard".  Some groups are making powerpoint slide shows, some are writing skits, some are doing posters, basically no idea was out of bounds, but they had to get it approved by me first. 

The assignments will be due in class next Wednesday.  We will work on them this Monday, as well.  And, the students can choose to work on them Friday during Activity/Fun Day.

Personal Fitness is doing assignment 9, which is on Obesity and Overweight.  It's a good lesson for the students.  They have to create a powerpoint slideshow that shows me what they think are "crucial issues" to know about this subject matter.

Can't believe in a week, we'll be dismissing for Thanksgiving break!  That's awesome.  I love me some Turkey.

Also, we are still collecting e-mail addresses of parents for "contact info" for "the list".  If you have an e-mail address that you use, but the school doesn't know about it... just let me know. is my address, and I will be happy to forward it on to the office.

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