Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cool Video: One Second a Day

I saw this video posted on the internet today, and thought "Wow, what a cool idea!"

A young lady, a senior at the University of North Carolina, took a one second video clip of every day of her Senior Year at UNC.

I really enjoyed this.

If you are interested in reading her thought process behind the project... She wrote an explanation at this LINK.

These are the neat kind of things we can do with technology...but we need to unleash ourselves and do something creative.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

So Cool! Stream from International Space Station

NASA has attached HD Cameras to the outside of the International Space Station.

They stream it live 24 hours a day.

Here is the LINK.

Just a sample of the live feed from the space station.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Neat Picture!

I saw this picture on Google Plus this morning, and it just made me want to jump right into the photo and start running down that road!

I love this!

This makes me want to run.

Posted on Google+ by Photos of the world

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Internet Explorer Fix - Article

Here is a LINK to an article from ABC News about the "Fix" for the Internet Explorer Security Issue.

A fix has been found! 

Ghost Sighting!

I thought this was pretty funny.

Posted on Google+ by  Marlo Angelo Tito

Alternate Browsers - Installation

Because of the Security Flaw in Internet Explorer, it has been recommended across the board, that anyone using the Internet use an "alternative" browser.

Here are some instructions for installing both Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox.  I prefer Chrome, because it is so fast...but I do know that FireFox users are very loyal, and they don't like to switch for any reason.

So for the time being, if you don't have another browser are some options:

How to install Google Chrome:

How to install Mozilla FireFox:

Also...if you MUST use Internet Explorer... you may continue to do So, but you need to disable Flash.

This will greatly limit your many sites utilize flash player.  But it's still possible.

To disable flash you go to: Settings -> Manage Add-ons, then select Shockwave Flash and click the disable button.