Friday, September 30, 2011

Homecoming Friday!

Hope everyone has a great homecoming weekend!

Good Luck to the Cubs tonight as they battle the Platte/Geddes/etc.../etc... team.

Early dismissal today for the parade.

Lesson Plans for next week are done.

Not alot on my plate this weekend.  The SDSU Jackrabbits return home after a 3 week trip of doom that saw them lose 3 times, have their starting quarterback quit the team, and several players get injured.  I hope they can pick it up versus a very talented Indiana State team. 

Little Known Fact:  Indiana State is the alma mater of one Larry Bird
Yes, that Larry Bird was a Sycamore.

Question:  Why would you name your school mascot after a tree? 
Makes no sense to me.

Go Big. Go Blue. Go Jacks.

For the Friday video of the week, I thought I'd go with something new, something catchy, something that will have you singing it an hour later.

Enjoy:   Young The Giant.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

HRM's Day 2

Today, PE classes will be strapping on the HRM's and we'll do some sort of running, exercise, and workout time.

For today, we are going to use a "generic" zone for "Fat Burning", and we'll set a low of 140 and high of 160.

That will be our target zone for today. 

Next time we use the HRM's we will have "logs" and each student will set their own individual zones that they set earlier in the year.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More HRM information

In case anyone was interested in Heart Rate Monitors, and what the training zones actually are...

Here is a good website.

It explains how you can calculate your max heart rate, what each of the zones are, and how you calculate them.  It's actually quite interesting.

Classroom Day and HRM reactions

Today is classroom day for me, and I spend all day in the classroom.

JH Students are starting Chapter 5 today.  They have a reading assignment, and then some key terms and review questions to do.  The assignment is posted on their edmodo classroom.

Personal Fitness will be doing assignment 4 today, which is on Cardiovascular Endurance.  Students will watch a short film on the subject and then do an assignment.  The second portion of today's assignment for the Personal Fitness students will be to figure out their proper heart rate zones.

Heart Rate Monitors went pretty well yesterday.  Although we had a few students who had trouble getting the monitor to work, well over 90% of the students were able to get it pretty quickly. 

Each student did the following:
  • Put on the heart rate monitor equipment
  • Got their heart rate to be read by the equipment
  • Set a "target zone" for the day.
  • Did a short "fitness activity" to raise their heart rates
  • Looked at the results of their activity on their monitors.
We will be breaking them out again tomorrow, for PE classes, and it will be up to the students to put them on correctly, and set their target heart zone without instruction.  (of course I will help them out, if they need help)

Overall, I thought the kids really responded well to the HRM's.  It seems like they were willing to work hard when they were getting immediate feedback.  Like I said tomorrow, we will use them again, but it will be most likely another "practice day" where they are getting used to them.  Then in a few weeks, we will not only use them, but record our scores on a "Log" at the end of class.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Website suggestions: being taken

Well, I think it's time for me to update my school webpage.

Mr. Harming's state webpage

It's not that I don't like the one that I have, but it's just time for some "restructuring".

Have any ideas of content that could be added?
Any features or things I could use to "spruce up" the place?

Let me know with an e-mail to:

or feel free to comment below.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

Good Luck Cubs!

Good Luck to Volleyball, Cross Country, and MS Football in the contests today!

Go Cubs!

Heart Rate Monitors

Today, all my PE classes are learning how to use the Heart Rate Monitors.

The most difficult thing is actually learning how to properly hook up the strap for the transmitter, and then learning how to set your Target Heart Zone on the watches.

The kids are doing ok, though.  It will get easier as the year goes on.

Today, the focus is just on getting them put on correctly, getting them set up, and then reading our results.  We aren't recording our results, yet.  We will however, start to do so once we have a solid grasp of how to run the HRM's.

Things that will be recorded:
Time Spent in Target Heart Zone, Time Spent Above Target Zone, Time Spent Below Target Zone
Max Heart Rate
Average Heart Rate

Today, we didn't have alot of time to "exercise" to really push ourselves.  But we do 5-10 minutes of running/walking just to elevate our heart rates, so we can see the results.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday- Test Day!

JH Health Classes have a test today.

The "practice test" was left online all weekend, until this morning.

Personal Fitness will do fitness testing today.

Today also marks the start of Homecoming week. 
MS students are dressing up as Cowboys/Cowgirls today.

Tomorrow we are going to try to learn how to use the Heart Rate Monitors.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday - Lessons - Weekend- Video

Lesson Plans for next week are done.

For Friday "Fun Day" all kids who have their work made up are playing flag football outside today.

Personal Fitness is going to attempt to play soccer today.

Next Monday... Health classes will have a test over chapter one.
There is an online "practice test" up on the internet, and it is linked from edmodo.  I could post it here, but then anyone in the world could link into it.

This Weekend, my Jackrabbits and their new quarterback Austin Sumner (redshirt Freshman from Brandon Valley) travel to Illinois State.  Could be a tough game.  Good Luck Jacks!

Go Big.  Go Blue.  Go Jacks.

Also, Good Luck to our CHS CC team as they Travel to Platte tomorrow morning.  The team has been running well, and we hope this continues.
Run Hard.  Run Fast. Run Strong.

And lastly, to the Friday Video of the week.  Who else but R.E.M. could be our selection this week?
I tried to pick a song that most people hadn't heard, but still makes you want to "tap your toes".

Enjoy "Supernatural Superserious"

Have a great Weekend Everyone!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

PE today and a sad farewell.

JH PE classes are playing flag football today.
Personal Fitness is having a workout day.

And, to the news of the day...

Just heard on the radio that the band R.E.M. has split up.

My favorite band of pretty much all time has called it quits.

I'm not sure what to think of this, or how to react.  It's not too surprising as their last two albums "Collapse into Now" and "Accelerate" were both very good, but were hardly noticed by the general public.  Which is sad, but I guess inevitable.  To be honest, they have never quite been the same since drummer Bill Berry had to quit the band because of health issues (he had a brain aneurism during one of their tours).

A quick browse of the google news found a couple of good articles.
Time Magazine wrote a really nice piece, and I also enjoyed this view from Pop Matters.

I hope people don't mind if I once in a while stray into the music world on my blog.  To be honest, music seems to be the one thing you can bring up that everyone enjoys.  Some may like Country, some may like Rap, but everyone has a favorite.  Everyone likes to sing along, and everyone wants to "tap their toes".

For me, that favorite something was:  R. E. M.

- Enjoy "Find the River"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Classroom Day

JH PE students will be discussing Section 4 of Chapter One, "Being a Wise Health Consumer".

Then they will be doing the "practice test" for Chapter One on-line.  It will be linked from the edmodo page.  Students will be allowed to take the practice test as many times as they want.

JH Health test over Chapter One will be on Monday.

Personal Fitness is also having a classroom day today, they will work on assignment 3, which is on Muscular Strength.  We will be looking to apply this knowledge into our own "workout plans" for the rest of the semester.

Today is Midterm for the first quarter already.  The team does seem to go fast.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Flag football outside today

JH PE kids are braving the wind and playing flag football outside today.

1st hour played 5 on 6 on a smaller field.
2nd hour played on a full size field, but with huge teams 12 vs 11.  Made for an interesting game.  We may "change it up" for Thursday, not sure having two giant teams is the best. 

3rd hour will also play on a smaller field.
7th hour - has a few shuttle runs to finish, so we will probably stay indoors today.

Personal Fitness will have a workout day in the weight room.

Lastly, a sad day for me today.  Thomas O'Brien the starting Junior Quarterback of my beloved Jackrabbits has supposedly quit the team.  The team has struggled it's last few games, and he has taken a great deal of the heat for it.

I can not imagine having the talent, drive, determination to become a Division I athlete.  And I also cannot fathom how miserable a person would have to be to walk away from something that I'm certain was a lifelong dream.

As a fan of the Jackrabbits it makes me sad to see a player give up his dreams.

As a coach/teacher it is a shocking revelation as to how much pressure is put on our young athletes.

As a parent, it just makes we want to go home, hug my kids, and tell them how much I love them and how proud I am of them, no matter what.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Excellent Series on Sports Psychology

The Argus Leader is running a really nice series on Sports Psychology this week.

Written by SDSU beat writer Terry Vandrovec.

Here's a link to yesterday's article.

Monday, Sept. 19th

Tough weekend for Mr. Harming!  Both the Jackrabbits and the Chargers took it on the chin this past weekend.  Oh well, not much I can do sitting on my couch.  Did get out on the road yesterday for a 4 miler, it was slow, but I got some miles in.

Today, JH Health Classes are working in the classroom.  No laptops today, we'll be talking a bit about section 2, doing a note taking guide on section 3, and then Homework/end of class assignment will be to read Section 4.

Personal Fitness is doing testing today.  40 Yard Dash, and Push-ups.  After the testing, we will do some core work.

Good Luck to the CC team as they travel to Bon Homme today!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Lesson Plans, Weekend, and the Friday Video!

Lesson Plans for next week are done.  Click Here

Congrats to the Chamberlain CC teams yesterday.  Girls Varsity and Boys Junior Varsity each won their divisions.  Superb performances in poor weather conditions.

This weekend my South Dakota State Jackrabbits travel to Cal Poly.
For those unfamiliar with that school, here is the link to their website.
In addition to being an outstanding university, Cal Poly usually fields an excellent football team.

Go Jackrabbits!

I took the week off after the Sioux Falls Half Marathon last weekend, but I do plan to start running again on Sunday.  One race left this calendar year:  The Hobo Day 5K in Brookings.

For the Friday Video, I went with one of my favorite bands of the year:  Mumford and Sons

Hope everyone has a safe and relaxing weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Flag Football and Cross Country

Today, most of the JH classes are playing flag football.

We had to play indoors because of the cold weather this morning, but I did instruct the students to bring their sweatshirts again next week, because we may go outside again.

Personal Fitness are doing workouts in the weight room.

I will be leaving early today to work at the Chamberlain Cross Country Meet.
(I'm the "Official Timer" - which means I stand at the finish and shout all the times of the runners)

Mr. Steckelberg will be subbing for my 7th hour PE class.

Good Luck to all the CHS Cross Country Runners! 
Run Hard, Run Fast, Run Strong
Go Cubs!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Today's Music...

While working on the comuters today, the students this morning asked for some Music because it was "too quiet" in here.

So I played some of the Rolling Stones "Hot Rocks" CD for them.

A little Music education isn't hurting anyone.

Sept. 14th - Classroom

Today students are doing an assignment in the classroom using Edmodo.  They are to turn in their assignment, and then read Chapter One Section Two in their textbook.

Personal Fitness Students are doing assignment two today.  Hopefully Edmodo is working, last week it died on us, and we had to turn in our assignment via e-mail.

The "List" for both MS and HS are now up and running.  I will be working hard to make sure students put on there and taken off in a timely manner.

Weather got cooler outside today.  PE tomorrow, we would still like to go outside.  However, if it's too cold, we can have it indoors.

Hope everyone has a great day.  First night of CCD classes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, Sept. 13th

PE Day - outside today.

Beautiful weather.

Today we are catching up the last few people who need to finish the mile run, and then beginning our unit on Flag Football.

We didn't get much of an opportunity to play, but we learned how to wear the belts correctly.  We also discussed the rules of the game, and looked at ways you can line up.

Personal Fitness had a workout day in the weight room.

"The List" is up and running.  I'm not sure how well all the staff have gotten to implement it yet, but it looks like we are on the right path.  I've gotten all my students identified by the class period that I teach them.  Now, we have to start updating all work and missing work.

Reminder to parents that if you want a "parent code" for edmodo, to let me know, and I will get you one.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday! Sept. 12th

Great win by my San Diego Chargers yesterday, defeating the Minnesota Vikings.
If they'd have lost that one, I'd have never heard the end of it.

Sioux Falls Half Marathon went pretty well.  I've run much faster before, but it certainly could have been worse.  Click on the link if you want to look anyone up.

Here are my results:
Bib No: 1394
Pace: 8:42
Age: 41
Sex/Category: M
Division Place: 23 out of 66
Gender Place: 215 out of 461
Overall Place: 310 out of 1147

Congrats to the 7th grade girls for winning their VB tournament this weekend.

I beat Mr. Harming Club is uploaded to the internet, just click the link.
However, there may be an addition or two, as we have a few who need to take it yet.

Classroom work today, JH Health Classes are going to start doing some textbook work.

HS Personal Fitness is weighing in, and testing pull ups and situps today.

Hope everyone has a great start to their week!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday notes, Lesson Plans, Fitness Tests

First off, Lesson Plans for next week are here.

We have nearly complete the President's Fitness Challenge.  1st, 2nd, and 3rd period each have just a few make up tests to do.  7th period needs to take their shuttle run test yet.

Here are some of the top performers so far:
1st Hour
Mile Run - Rich M. with 7:30
Sit ups - Brett H.with 56
Pull ups - Brett H. with 10
Shuttle Run - Ryker H. with 9.56
V Sit and Reach - Amelia B. with 11.5"

2nd Hour
Mile Run - Jacob S. with 6:44
Sit ups - Shantel B. with 60
Pull ups - Shantel B. with 17
Shuttle Run - Spencer K. with 8.81
V Sit and Reach - Carrie K. with 21"

3rd Hour
Mile Run - Jana I. with 7:56
Sit ups - Anthony G with 60
Pull ups - Cody S. with 14
Shuttle Run - Jacob L. with 9.34
V Sit and Reach - Paige U. with 13.5"

7th Hour
Mile Run - Rashawn P with 7:19
Sit ups - Joden M with 42
Pull ups - Joden M with 12
V Sit and Reach - Keilani S. with 6.5"

Good Luck to the Cubs Football team tonight as they host McCook Central/Montrose.
Good Luck to the SDSU Jackrabbits as the travel to Illinois to take on the Big 10 Illini.

I'll be running in the Sioux Falls Half Marathon this Sunday as a part of "Team Tiny Miracles".  Good luck to all participants, and especially to Team Tiny Miracle.

Rock Me Amadeus
(just seems like a Friday song)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

More Fitness Testing...

Today we will finish up the President's Fitness challenge for most classes.

Most of the student's have finished their mile run.

I will be leaving early today at the end of 6th period, to go to Pierre to watch my children run in the CC meet at Pierre.

Mr. Jeff Steckelberg will be covering my 7th hour PE class.

Reminder, tomorrow is Fun Day/Study Hall Day.  Any student who is missing work/assignments will have study hall.  Students who are all caught up will have a Fun PE Day class.  Mr. Rhodes and Harming's classes will combine.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mr. Harming's Mile time

Worst timed mile I've run, in I don't know how long.


Even though I ran much faster in May, and just a month ago I do two back to back BOTH faster than that, I will let it stand.

Any JH student who beats that time, gets an "I beat Mr. Harming" Certificate.

Classroom Day!

7th and 8th Health Students are learning about Heart Rates and Heart Rate Zones.
-They will be using a mathematical formula to figure out their own levels.
Once they complete the Heart Rate Zone work, they has a short discussion assignment on Edmodo.

Personal Fitness class will be doing assignment and discussion one.  Both assignments are on Edmodo.

I am running my mile run today at 4 pm on the track.  Hope I do well, but I hope we have some students beat me. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

President's Fitness Challenge starts today...

Today all JH students will begin the President's Fitness Challenge.

I will do my "mile run" tomorrow after school.  Any student who runs a faster time than will will get a "I beat Mr. Harming" certificate.

High School Personal Fitness will be having fitness workouts today.

Friday, September 2, 2011

PE Standards Based Grading

We are moving towards Standards Based grading in Physical Education this year.

In the past, we graded on a daily participation grade, and then we applied the standards to the units as we were doing them.

Each day in PE class we will be looking for one of the five PE standards.
Standard 1 - which is based in Movement Skills
Standard 2 - which is based in Enhancing Skills and Performance
Standard 3 - which is based in using physical activity to enhance fitness.
Standard 4 - which is based in responsible behavior in a PE setting.
Standard 5 - which is based on opportunities provided by physical activity.

We will be using specific Indicators under each of the five general Content Standards to evaluate.

Grading for each day will be as follows:

A - Advanced - 100%
B - Proficient - 92%
C - Basic - 85%
D - Below Basic - 78 %
F - Failing - 72%

To learn more about the South Dakota's PE Content Standards click here.

Presidents Fitness Challenge next week

Just a quick note on the President's Fitness Challenge, which will be held next week for 7th and 8th students.

The students will be tested on 5 different areas:
1.  Endurance - Mile Run
2. Quickness - Shuttle Run
3. Core Strength - Sit ups
4. Upper Body Strength - Pull Ups
5. Flexibility - Sit and Reach

We like to use this as a baseline for the start of the school year, and then re-test again at the end of the school year and see who has improved, and by how much.

Also check the blog next week to see who some of the top performers are in each of the tests.

In addition, this year we will be handing out "I beat Mr. Harming!" Awards to any student in 7th or 8th grade who runs a faster mile time than I do.

Lesson Plans and Weekend!

Lesson plans for next week are posted here.

I hope everyone has a great 3 day Holiday Weekend.

Best of Luck to CHS Football tonight as they travel to Valentine, Nebraska.

I'll be in Brookings supporting the Jackrabbits as they host Southern Utah for the season opener at Coughlin Alumni Stadium.

Go Big. Go Blue. Go Jacks.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Today's work

Just got in from today's PE classes.

Very good day today.

First Hour kids were excellent, everyone remembered their PE clothes, and they did an excellent job of participating.  Rich M. and Hailey P. did a great job during the fitness run, leading the rest of the class.

Second hour was also good.  Very good participation, and everyone remembered their clothes today.  Leaders of the fitness run for 2nd hour were:  Shantel B. and Jacob L.  Not everyone ran the entire time, but it looked like we had pretty good effort.

Third Hour:  We had our first student forget their clothes today... if he forgets next Tuesday, he'll have a detention in the coming week.  Decent effort by this class, but not as good as First and Second hour, we had a few students who really didn't want to push themselves.  3 Standouts during the fitness run were:  Jacob L., Jana I., and Cody S.

Seventh Hour:  Did not have a very good class today.  Six students in 7th forgot to bring their clothes to PE today.  That's a lot.  Also we did not have good participation during the fitness run.  Many of the students walked when they were supposed to be running, and not late into it either.  One minute in, we had people walking.  Our top performers today in the fitness run were:  Rashaun P., Joden M., and Tynia Z. 

HS Personal Fitness:  Did some form 40's today for cardiovascular work, then went into the weight room and demonstrated knowledge of the squat rack.  Most of the students also worked on Dips.  There was quite a bit of bench pressing going on.

We made some really good headway on our new PE grading Scale and Grade book today.

I will unveil that in tomorrow's blog.

September 1st

Today we are having PE class.  Each of the classes will be practicing for next week's President's Physical Fitness Challenge.

The goal today is to get tired. 

We'll get there.